Numbers persistently appear in Olivia Park’s work – she has tied 86,126 knots; she has collected q tips for 1079 days; she has glued 13,169 hole punches; she’s recorded the time (1084 minutes) it took her to write out the numbers 1 through 9,281 (the number of days she had been alive at the time); she has tallied the expected number of days (22,307) she has to live according to her demographics. Despite their relentless presence in her process, numbers have seldom shown themselves as numerals in the final pieces. In this body of work, numerals have finally crept onto the page, rendering themselves the subject, and the object.

you don’t belong here (draw by numbers). pen and ink on paper, paper cut outs, gouache. each shape or space is numbered according to the order in which it was drawn.

(dis)connect the numbers. pen and ink on paper. each dot is numbered according to the order in which it was placed on the paper.

splitting the guesswork. gouache, pen and ink on paper.

in a day it takes. pen and ink on paper. how many consecutive numbers, starting with “1,” can you write in 24 hours?

writing over numbers (the days i’ve been alive (9,281) in 1084 minutes). pen and ink on paper. the numbers “1” through “9,281” written consecutively from left to right, top to bottom.

to die averagely (in 22, 307 days). pen and ink on paper. tally of days i have until i am expected to die based on the average of several average life expectancies for a korean female born in the U.S. in 1982